5 Easy Powerful Steps to Acquire Skills!

We all strive to be better; we all have that will to enhance our performance and acquire multiple skills in this crazy world.

We know deep inside that we won’t have our dream jobs without having some skills that meet the need of jobs requirements in this hectic life.

Most of business owners seek in their employees that multiple skills that will add value to their business. That’s why they select the most skillful employees even if they will cost them a fortune. After all, they don’t want to end up with poor performance employees that will ruin their business.

Moreover, Business owners always strive to hire the employees with positive attitude, and this will be explained in more details soon.

First and foremost, what kind of skills are they seeking for?

Business skills seem to be hard to acquire, but this is nothing but a myth. Nothing is hard or difficult as you learn it and practice it deliberately.

Back to the question, what are the skills that you should have in the business world?

Essentially, any skills that you will acquire will benefit the business you are in. The idea of learning new skill in general reflects that you are ambitious person and you’re always seeking for improvement and want to be better each day. That attitude is what the business owners are looking for.

As a result any skill you seek to learn is going to make you a success.

I know you are saying now, for God’s sake! what are the skills I should learn?

It’s the time to talk nitty-gritty

This process holds two perspectives:

The first is to ask yourself some questions first: What do I love, what do I care about?

My interests- My values

The answer to these questions will make you discover your abilities, your potential, values and interests. Think about what skills you care about, what skills you want to master.

You may like drawing, presenting, playing music, dancing whatever your passion is, go for it. Anything that brings you happiness and comfort, just do it right away. It helps you in the business world as well as it will enrich and enhance your abilities and performance.

Then here we come to the second prospect: how to learn any skill?

Acquiring a skill is not as difficult as it is in the past. All what you need to do is to google it and watch millions of search results and enjoy the process.

Is it really as simple as that?

Actually, NO

 I was oversimplifying it.

It’s not as simple as that, and it’s not so hard as well.

YUP, you can search for million ways of “how to do ….”

But there are numerous other things you need to do besides of search for sources. If you have this tough mindset, you will do robust things in your life after figuring out your passion or at least you interest.

No doubt about that you need to know the fundamentals about any skills, know some knowledge to back up your learning process otherwise you won’t be able to truly learn something new.

I will explain. Everything in this world has two sides: the theoretical and the implementations.

You won’t be able to implement a new thing without knowing the theory part of it. Otherwise you will spoil the learning process completely.

Step 1: Know the basics (Fundamentals)

Knowing the basics of anything will inform you about this thing theoretically, which takes a huge part in how you will implement it.

But does this mean to just read about it, and know theories?

Never ever, it’s just step NO.1 and it will stay there, just No.1

The knowledge is important; it is the foundation of everything.

Some people underestimate the power of knowledge.

In the same exact time, you need to wrap it up with more of action and execution.

Step 2Search for network

Search for like-minded people. People have the same interests as you, and they want to learn the same skills.

Like-minded people will help you achieve your goal. You all will encourage each other to reach your goal.

Step 3. Obsession

Obsession means simply live and dream with the skill.

 Indulge yourself to the core, to the fullest in this skill. And your tribe will help you to accomplish this.

Step 4. Pick a role model

Every skill in this world has its master.

I mean here that the role model of your skill will play a massive role in your learning process as they will encourage you in indirect way to do what you want to do.

You will follow their footsteps, achievements and accomplishments and eventually you will live the process wholeheartedly.

Step 5. Practise Practise then Practise

Practise makes perfect is not a cliché statement. It’s a real process with a real, significant and marvelous outcome.

Once you started to indulge yourself in your new skill and practice it to the core, it becomes a habit. And we act blindly towards habits.

It will be a second nature. You will know it as the back of your hands.

YUP, it’s guaranteed.

Now I can say congrats!

You master this skill. and be assured that as many times as you practice you do it perfectly and awesomely. Practising anything in your life, make it easier to handle, and much more comfortable when you tackle it.

Learn and practice.

Rinse and repeat.

That’s why the concept of “practice makes perfect” comes from.

In a nutshell, implementing these 5 steps in leaning any skill you want to learn will Inevitably make you accomplish it.

And If you need a help from an experienced mentor, send me a message to set up a session to provide you with the needed tools and the practicality steps you need to work on in your learning process.

And as promised, you will reach your goal sooner than you think.

Finally, pack up your emotions, ambition, willpower and start away.

Go fight for what you want in this life.


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