Tips for a Successful Interview

“You have an Interview.” This phrase is incredibly intimidating. Once you hear it, you will feel the butterflies in your stomach. It has the ability to make a lot of mixed feelings, and everybody’s reaction is completely different.

Some feel excited, others feel stressed. and eventually, some people get some chances, some others fail to get what they want.

What is the interview?

It’s an Important question I believe, and massive number of people

want to know the answer as it seems to be easy, but in fact it has a lot of key features.

The interview is a formal conversation between two parts, speakers,

the one who is interviewing the employee is called the interviewer, the other one who undergoes this process, is called interviewee.

The interview, this meeting, is mostly about applying for a job, or a chance in general.

This process is a tool to select the “best” candidate. The term “best” is flexible as it can be interpreted in many other ways. It can be shown as someone

with multiple credentials or may be a skillful one with massive number of social, technical skills who can benefit the company massively

Or another person who has tremendous years of experiences in a specific field.

As the word is very popular, some people tried to frame all the questions that may come in this process, and as a result these questions become cliché for all the interviewers and interviewees.

Which ended up in decreasing the chances of the success of the    interview, as there are no creative answers, or thoughts and ideas.

We are here to change this perspective, and to add some value to the interview’s questions.

And to provide some creative, good answers, which will increase the chances to make it

successful interview for you.

Let’s talk nitty-gritty

 Being on time, dress in a proper way, have creative ideas and multiple skills. These things

what all the companies are looking for and care about. Selling yourself is a skill you need to

be aware of and learn. How to sell yourself through your interview.

Explaining your experiences, skills in an effective and proficient way will make you away far

than the others.

Besides the popular information that you would know about the place you will apply for, you

need to make a further research about the company, knowing the achievements,

accomplishments, history, events, board and anything is relevant to the company.

Be Creative and be Different

Your confidence while speaking is huge thing you must pay attention to.

To master this process, you need to practice and rehearsal multiple times what are you

going to say and do.  It is the secret sauce to an efficient interview.

What  can  we  do  to  enhance  our  ways  in  answering  the  interview questions?

Avoid cliché answers, find other ways to portray your qualifications and skills.

1-    Introduce Yourself.

The most common question on this earth, and despite this fact, but still some people find it quite

difficult to answer it, or just answer it with explaining in details some information is irrelevant.


Answer this question without going into your personal information, it’s irrelevant. Avoid mention your age, no need for that.

In  about  1  minute  or  2,  speak  in  a  plain  and vivid  way  about  your qualifications,

work  experience  and  any  other  achievements  you’ve accomplished, and some skills you

have are related to the position you’re applying for.

Speak about:

1- Studies

2- Work experiences

3- Accomplishments

4- Training courses

5- skills

Make it to the point

2-    What Are Your Achievements?

You should notice whether the interviewer wants a brief answer, such as talking about one

accomplishment or more.

Prepare at least 3 achievements to mention, and make them all related to the position you’re applying for.

Another thing to consider which is making them hear what they want to hear.

Some business phrases interviewer is interested in, such as: increase the profits,  lower  the  costs,  or  maybe  increase  the  popularity  of  the company, or that you have a massive network you can use in your work with the company to make profits.

Be confident while talking about your achievements, remember you’re proud of what you’ve done.

3-    What Are Your Strengthen Points?

Another common questions to consider. Before preparing your answer for this question take a good look to the company’s website, or the job announcement.

To match your strengthen points with the skills which are demanding in the job announcement.

Stay  away  from  any  points  are  irrelevant  to  the  skills  that  were mentioned.

4-    What Are Your Weakness Points?

Nobody  is  flawless,  we  all  have  shortcomings.  But  your  interviewer doesn’t want to listen to your flaws. He needs to know more about your personality and how tough you are.

That’s  exactly  what  you  should  talk  about.  Pick  a  flaw  that  is  not important, and it will never affect the job you’re applying for, and try to Tell him that you will change this

5-    Why Should We Hire You?

It’s a very predictable question as well. However, most of people fail to answer it properly, as they feel a kind of stress when it comes to this question.  They  keep  beat  around  the  bush  instead  of  giving  a  vivid answer.

Prime  yourself  with  about  4  or  5  characteristics  that are  matching  their requirements

for their job announcement.

And talk confidently about these skills and why they will be lucky to have you.

Joke aside; Talk confidently.

6-    Could You Tell Me About Your Dream Job?

Trick alert: pay attention to this tricky question. Don’t fall prey, and start explaining your  dream job  as  a  fiction writer,  or  musician  when the position you’re applying for is a marketing manager.

Resist the temptation.

Start immediately talking about some characteristics of your dream job which     are     existing     in  the     position     you’re     applying     for.

7-    What Do You Know About Our Organization?

You’ve already done a research about the company, so this is not going to be a surprise for you. You need to state about 3 or 4 key features about the company and talk about them briefly involving a subtle flattery.

Focus on positive points, avoid talking about any negative points of the company.

8-    Are You Willing to Work on Weekends?

Freaky question, right. But it’s ok.

We all know that nobody likes to work on weekends, but you can modify the answer, and start your response by: “it seems a little bit odd to work on weekends, but if the job requirements demand that sometime I come on weekends, I have no problem about that.”

Sounds awesome!

9-    Can You work Under Pressure?

Another common question, but before answering with “YES”, try to state that you are familiar with

that concept. That  In  this  high  speed,  high  tech  world,  working  under  pressure  is becoming like a second nature.

With saying “YES”, he may ask you about some situations you had to work under pressure and what was the result.

You  needed to  be  ready for this question  by stating a situation, and mention that working under stress, is a needed skill in this hectic life.

To sum  up, these are some questions among others are essential to know and to prepare to your interview. Interview process is chance to sell yourself.

Focus: be creative and know exactly how you market your abilities and talents in this competitive life.

Make it worth.


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