Improve Your Life in 15 Minutes


In This hectic life most of people find it difficult to release out the stress and anxiety which disturb their inner peace.

Responsibilities, duties and endless list of compelled work and tasks is their daily boring routine.

That’s why they don’t have any extra time for themselves to relief or recharge their energy.

And as usual we would like to help. We would like to help you to recharge your energy according to your limited time and busy schedule.

As you know you need some time out to recharge your battery and look with a fresh eye into your missions in life.

15 minutes are all what you need to do marvelous things, and to start to relieve for some time away from your crazy day that full of tedious tasks, and huge responsibilities.

In 15 minutes, you can do multiple things to better your life, and enhance your productivity as your productivity is based on your inner peace and stress free life.

Eager to know?

Let’s dive in

1-Light stretching and some Zumba dance

Spending 15 minutes every morning in light stretching is very beneficial. Undoubtedly, it will enrich your soul and make you feel powerful and positive in the morning.

And this is what you really need to start your busy day with.

Zumba dance is really awesome; you’ll get rid of your negativity. It has been experienced and guaranteed.

Mark my words.

2-De- clutter your things

I was told once that if you want to be successful you have to start your day with tiding your bed. Sounds cool, right?

And it’s really true.

In 15 minutes, you can de- clutter your things including your closet, bed, desk even your office papers. this will have a great effect on your inner soul.

Tidy and neat things around you will feed your soul with positivity and peace plus COMFY.

3-Learn something new

No magic here, but yes, you can learn something new in just 15 minutes. Watch a motivational video can inspire you with a lot of things.

Learning to play an instrument for 15 minutes on daily basis for example will be great.

Knitting also can be done in that magic 15 minutes.

Learning a new language within 15 minutes on daily basis can be significantly beneficial.

Learning is no more difficult as you will practice it on daily basis for that 15 minutes.

4-Strengthen your mindset

Between the powerful and weaken mindset is huge differences. Powerful mindset can drive and motivate you with numerous things, that’s why you in deep need to strengthen your mindset.

But how will you do that?

It’s simple by the way, just follow these tips

Read books for influential people and follow their footsteps.

Build good beneficial and productive habits, (The Atomic Habits) is a great example to start with.

This will teach you to think big, and it will have a great impact on your life.

Choose a good tribe to engage with. This means to have a great companion.

And much more will be portrayed in another article.

5- Some “ME” time

Providing yourself some quality time is really effective.

Solitude matters, it’s the air we breathe. Sometimes we need to sit down alone for 15 minutes and retied, reshape our ideas and thoughts.

Review our life and evaluate some actions really crucial.

Enjoying your favorite music, playing your instrument in 15 minutes, any kind of thing that relax and unwind you, will make you feel happy, and fade away any stress you may be undergone.

6- Empower your relationships

Taking care of your family and empowering your relationship is extremely significant.

Because of the busy and hectic life most of people miss the needed time that they need to spend in empowering and strengthen their relationship which ended up with humongous problems and eventually break ups.

In just 15 minutes you have to pay more attention to your relationships, your family, kids and friends.

Offering a rose to your wife can make her happy.

Calling your parents and ask about them will made their day.

Sending a text message to your kids asking them for lunch will be the greatest thing you’ve done in your day.

Just cut out 15 minutes for doing something positive towards your family and friends will recharge and strengthen your relationships.

Your Worth Comes From The Value You Add To People And Community

~Rania Lelah

7- Helping others

Make 15 minutes in your day helping people around you will make you feel self-worthy, and will enhance your self-image.

You will feel happy each time you help someone with something he/she needs.

You add value, and this increases your self-esteem and will better your relationships with others.

Helping others is not just financially; it can be emotionally, mentally and spiritually

Be kind, and talk kind, and do kind.

8- Write a journal

Writing is a crucial skill you MUST develop.

Write anything on daily basis for those 15 minutes will do miracles. Not only will improve your writing skills, but also it will relieve your mind.

It’s another way to de-clutter the noises in your mind.

And it’s not necessary to write the things you do in your day, but you can be selective, write the things that affect you, things that made you happy.

Things you want to achieve in the future.

Write to do list with action plan, goals and dreams. Write you weakness and strengthen points, and how to shift the negativity to positivity.

Many things to write in 15 minutes can enrich and inspire you with humongous things.

In a nutshell, there are tons of things you can do in just 15 minutes to improve the way you live, and to enhance and enrich your crazy life.

No excuses will be acceptable. You can do robust things just if you’re really willing to do so.

Have no time, just in 15 minutes you can do it all.

Strive for leading your life. You can control it.

Don’t let it control you.

Strive to make a difference in your life and in this universe.


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