Speak to Influence

Leadership is not only about making decisions or managing teams; it also encompasses effective communication.

The ability of leaders to influence and inspire others through their words is a crucial aspect of their role.

Effective speaking skills can help leaders convey their vision, motivate their teams, and build strong relationships with stakeholders.

However, mastering the art of communication requires practice, self-awareness, and a commitment to continuous improvement.

In this article, we will explore how leaders can influence and enhance their speaking skills, enabling them to become more persuasive, engaging, and impactful communicators.

Leaders can greatly influence and improve their speaking skills through various strategies and practices.


Here are some ways leaders can enhance their speaking abilities:


Preparation and Practice


“Proper Preparation Prevents Poor Performance”

~James Baker

This model is called the (5ps).


Effective leadership communication requires preparation and practice.

Leaders should invest time in honing their speaking skills by rehearsing speeches, presentations, and important conversations.

This allows them to become familiar with the content, improve their delivery, and gain confidence.


Active Listening

Being an active listener is crucial for effective communication.

Leaders who actively listen to others can better understand their audience’s needs, concerns, and perspectives.

This enables them to tailor their message accordingly and engage their audience more effectively.

I had a client who is general manager, she was complaining about her impatience when it comes to active listening.

In the middle of any conversation, she dwells into her thoughts thinking about what does she have to do, to say to react in this situation, ignoring what the other person says, feel or think.

This ends up in to miscommunication and lots of misconceptions.

Clarity and Conciseness

Leaders should strive for clarity and conciseness in their communication.

They should articulate their thoughts clearly, use simple and understandable language, and avoid jargon or technical terms that may confuse their audience.

Being concise helps leaders convey their message more effectively and ensures that important points are not lost in unnecessary details.

Nonverbal Communication

Leaders should pay attention to their nonverbal communication, including body language, facial expressions, and gestures.

These nonverbal cues can greatly impact how their message is received.

Maintaining good eye contact, using appropriate gestures, and displaying confident body language can enhance a leader’s credibility and engagement with the audience.


Once upon a time!

Rings a bell!

The most favorable and lovable statement that we used to hear when we were kids, actually we still amazed by it till now.

Leaders can captivate their audience by incorporating storytelling techniques into their communication.

Sharing personal anecdotes, case studies, or examples can make their message more relatable, memorable, and impactful.

Stories have the power to connect with people emotionally and inspire action.


Empathy and Emotional Intelligence

“We are not rational creatures who feel; we are emotional creatures who rationalize.”

~ Devutt Pattanaik

Leaders who demonstrate empathy and emotional intelligence in their communication can build stronger connections with their audience.

Understanding and acknowledging the emotions and perspectives of others helps leaders deliver messages with sensitivity and compassion, fostering trust and rapport.


Feedback and Continuous Improvement

 Leaders should actively seek feedback whether it is solicited or unsolicited on their speaking skills from trusted colleagues, mentors, or communication coaches.

Constructive feedback helps identify areas for improvement and enables leaders to refine their speaking abilities over time.

Continuous learning and development are essential for enhancing communication skills.

Adapting to the Audience

Effective leaders tailor their communication style and message to suit the needs and preferences of their audience.

They consider factors such as the audience’s knowledge level, cultural background, and communication preferences.

Adapting to the audience ensures that the message is received and understood more effectively.

I have a client who is so much in deep of details, which prevents him to talk straight forward and be to the point with his team!

He made his mind to change, he wants to change his core (details oriented) type of person and that was very difficult.

We agreed upon another solution! After the conversation, he knew that adapting to the other communication style is easier, helpful and more to the point.


Leaders who speak authentically and genuinely connect with their audience.

Rather than relying on scripted or overly formal language, leaders should aim to communicate in their own voice.

Authenticity fosters trust, credibility, and a sense of relatability.

Seeking Opportunities for Public Speaking

Leaders can enhance their speaking skills by actively seeking opportunities for public speaking engagements.

These may include industry conferences, internal company events, or community gatherings.

Regular practice in front of different audiences helps leaders refine their speaking abilities and build confidence.


By implementing these strategies and continuously working on their speaking skills, leaders can exert a positive influence on their communication effectiveness and inspire others through their words.

Be This Influential Leader




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