Volunteering work is an important part of civic engagement and community building. It allows individuals to contribute to causes they care about and make a positive impact on society, while also benefiting themselves in many ways.

in this podcast will know more about the importance of Volunteering Work and how it cam boost the career development. 


Anchor: With us over the phone, miss Rania Lelah, personal and career development expert.

Anchor: Good morning to you. Good morning.

 Anchor: and we’re speaking about the volunteering work. And how important is that culture?

Rania Lelah: Yes. Of course. Volunteering work first of all, it refers to this selfless act of giving back to the community and helping the others and making a positive impact, positive influence on society.

And we can define it. It’s like the act of providing once this time, skills, and energy.

To an organization without expecting anything in return, without expecting any payment or any other tangible rewards.

And when it comes to the benefits of volunteering work, it’s not only just to the community, also to the volunteering themselves.

So it provides the sense to the volunteers. It provides the sense of the purpose it posed their self confidence, self esteem, and improve their mental health.

It also can be a great way to gain new experiences developing their skills and enhance their their resume, you

know? Yeah. So volunteering work is an important part of engagement, and community building as well.

Allows individuals to contribute to, like, an ultimate goal to their life purpose. And, of course, they have this great impact on the society.

Anchor: Yeah. Miss Lelah, let me know from you. How do you view how to spread the culture of volunteering? Because it’s not a very well known kind of work that is really spread particularly among years.

Rania Lelah:  Okay. We can develop this idea of volunteering among individuals especially, of course, yes.

But it it’s just like it’s a kind of complicated approach or we can we can call it a multifaceted approach.

So they can we help build their awareness to improve other engagement, and also to provide opportunities

for meaningful participation.

So we can just maybe list these kind of development stops like education and awareness.

Many young people may be not aware of the benefits of volunteers hearing or the opportunity that are available to them.

So by providing education and raising awareness about the importance of volunteering and its benefits So it

will be great for them to encourage or to be encouraged to get involved.

Also, mentoring and role models So it’s a very effective way to just promote volunteering among the off is to

providing mentoring and role models.

So this can be involved by connecting young people with individuals who have great experience volunteering and can serve as positive examples and a source of inspiration as well.

Also, we’re standing yeah. Yes. We have seen lately some of the youth participating in lots of some of the presidential initiatives.

Anchor: We’ve seen kit for and we’ve seen other of the initiatives that were lately launched. And we’ve seen lots of volunteers or volunteering youths who really want to participate and and get the experience. How do you view that and how do that contribute to their ability to boosts work particularly and contribute more to their society?

Rania Lelah: Of course, it was great initiatives, of course. And the kids and the youth as well that they now

seek for volunteering to our our massive number right now because they just recognize the the benefits and

the the importance of this voluntary work. Maybe at their early when it was if we just talk about, you know, in


Now they just know how it’s important for them to seek for opportunities and to fill in their resume.

Of course, when they just apply for jobs or something, the first thing they will be asking for, what are your

experiences? So as a fresh graduate, I don’t have any experience.

But now with volunteering work, they will have this experience dealing with people communicating with them,

and this, of course, has many benefits when it comes to volunteer himself or herself, like personal growth.

So it can provide opportunities for personal growth, helping them to build their self confidence, develop new

skills, and gain experience as well. At and to improve their mental health, this reduced their, you know, stress

levels and, of course, increase their self esteem self image and there are inner happiness. And, of course,

decrease that symptoms of any depression or or something.

And it also expands their social network when it comes to having some opportunities to meet new people, build social connections,

This will add up to their resumes and add up to their experience as well. And of course, if

we just took particular about career development, volunteering provide valuable resources

and skills that can be useful for them on professional setting such as like teamwork,

communication and the push to their leadership skills as well.


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