interview secrets

Interview Questions & Answers |Tips for a Successful Interview

Tips for a Successful Interview

“You have an Interview.” This phrase is incredibly intimidating. Once you hear it, you will feel the butterflies in your stomach. It has the ability to make a lot of mixed feelings, and everybody’s reaction is completely different.

Some feel excited, others feel stressed. and eventually, some people get some chances, some others fail to get what they want.

What is the interview?

It’s an Important question I believe, and massive number of people

want to know the answer as it seems to be easy, but in fact it has a lot of key features.

The interview is a formal conversation between two parts, speakers,

the one who is interviewing the employee is called the interviewer, the other one who undergoes this process, is called interviewee.

The interview, this meeting, is mostly about applying for a job, or a chance in general.

This process is a tool to select the “best” candidate. The term “best” is flexible as it can be interpreted in many other ways. It can be shown as someone

with multiple credentials or may be a skillful one with massive number of social, technical skills who can benefit the company massively

Or another person who has tremendous years of experiences in a specific field.

As the word is very popular, some people tried to frame all the questions that may come in this process, and as a result these questions become cliché for all the interviewers and interviewees.

Which ended up in decreasing the chances of the success of the    interview, as there are no creative answers, or thoughts and ideas.

We are here to change this perspective, and to add some value to the interview’s questions.

And to provide some creative, good answers, which will increase the chances to make it

successful interview for you.

Let’s talk nitty-gritty

 Being on time, dress in a proper way, have creative ideas and multiple skills. These things

what all the companies are looking for and care about. Selling yourself is a skill you need to

be aware of and learn. How to sell yourself through your interview.

Explaining your experiences, skills in an effective and proficient way will make you away far

than the others.

Besides the popular information that you would know about the place you will apply for, you

need to make a further research about the company, knowing the achievements,

accomplishments, history, events, board and anything is relevant to the company.

Be Creative and be Different

Your confidence while speaking is huge thing you must pay attention to.

To master this process, you need to practice and rehearsal multiple times what are you

going to say and do.  It is the secret sauce to an efficient interview.

What  can  we  do  to  enhance  our  ways  in  answering  the  interview questions?

Avoid cliché answers, find other ways to portray your qualifications and skills.

1-    Introduce Yourself.

The most common question on this earth, and despite this fact, but still some people find it quite

difficult to answer it, or just answer it with explaining in details some information is irrelevant.


Answer this question without going into your personal information, it’s irrelevant. Avoid mention your age, no need for that.

In  about  1  minute  or  2,  speak  in  a  plain  and vivid  way  about  your qualifications,

work  experience  and  any  other  achievements  you’ve accomplished, and some skills you

have are related to the position you’re applying for.

Speak about:

1- Studies

2- Work experiences

3- Accomplishments

4- Training courses

5- skills

Make it to the point

2-    What Are Your Achievements?

You should notice whether the interviewer wants a brief answer, such as talking about one

accomplishment or more.

Prepare at least 3 achievements to mention, and make them all related to the position you’re applying for.

Another thing to consider which is making them hear what they want to hear.

Some business phrases interviewer is interested in, such as: increase the profits,  lower  the  costs,  or  maybe  increase  the  popularity  of  the company, or that you have a massive network you can use in your work with the company to make profits.

Be confident while talking about your achievements, remember you’re proud of what you’ve done.

3-    What Are Your Strengthen Points?

Another common questions to consider. Before preparing your answer for this question take a good look to the company’s website, or the job announcement.

To match your strengthen points with the skills which are demanding in the job announcement.

Stay  away  from  any  points  are  irrelevant  to  the  skills  that  were mentioned.

4-    What Are Your Weakness Points?

Nobody  is  flawless,  we  all  have  shortcomings.  But  your  interviewer doesn’t want to listen to your flaws. He needs to know more about your personality and how tough you are.

That’s  exactly  what  you  should  talk  about.  Pick  a  flaw  that  is  not important, and it will never affect the job you’re applying for, and try to Tell him that you will change this

5-    Why Should We Hire You?

It’s a very predictable question as well. However, most of people fail to answer it properly, as they feel a kind of stress when it comes to this question.  They  keep  beat  around  the  bush  instead  of  giving  a  vivid answer.

Prime  yourself  with  about  4  or  5  characteristics  that are  matching  their requirements

for their job announcement.

And talk confidently about these skills and why they will be lucky to have you.

Joke aside; Talk confidently.

6-    Could You Tell Me About Your Dream Job?

Trick alert: pay attention to this tricky question. Don’t fall prey, and start explaining your  dream job  as  a  fiction writer,  or  musician  when the position you’re applying for is a marketing manager.

Resist the temptation.

Start immediately talking about some characteristics of your dream job which     are     existing     in  the     position     you’re     applying     for.

7-    What Do You Know About Our Organization?

You’ve already done a research about the company, so this is not going to be a surprise for you. You need to state about 3 or 4 key features about the company and talk about them briefly involving a subtle flattery.

Focus on positive points, avoid talking about any negative points of the company.

8-    Are You Willing to Work on Weekends?

Freaky question, right. But it’s ok.

We all know that nobody likes to work on weekends, but you can modify the answer, and start your response by: “it seems a little bit odd to work on weekends, but if the job requirements demand that sometime I come on weekends, I have no problem about that.”

Sounds awesome!

9-    Can You work Under Pressure?

Another common question, but before answering with “YES”, try to state that you are familiar with

that concept. That  In  this  high  speed,  high  tech  world,  working  under  pressure  is becoming like a second nature.

With saying “YES”, he may ask you about some situations you had to work under pressure and what was the result.

You  needed to  be  ready for this question  by stating a situation, and mention that working under stress, is a needed skill in this hectic life.

To sum  up, these are some questions among others are essential to know and to prepare to your interview. Interview process is chance to sell yourself.

Focus: be creative and know exactly how you market your abilities and talents in this competitive life.

Make it worth.


Authentic Leader

To be a leader means that you are a role model for all of your team.

Do you know how huge this is!

It is really big thing, right!

Knowing that everything is said or done by you really counts.

They will do exact the same as you unconsciously

Whether this will pick them up or down.

This huge responsibility is overwhelming especially in the time of a crisis or economy collapse.

This hardship time is crucial for all the leaders and really differ them. Because as you know not every

leader is a truly influential leader.

Why it is so overwhelming!

As a leader you need to be resilient. This characteristic and skill can identify remarkable leaders.

We will talk about Resilience in another long article.

We need leaders to go through the hardship and adversity without stress meltdown.

We need leaders to go through the hardship time without so much of toxic positivity mumbling that

everything is fine and no problem without setting vision and strategies to execute.

We need leaders to go through the hardship with so much of managing emotions and kind of mental,

emotional and physical resilience as well.

These kinds of leaders are really role model for their team, as they motivate and teach them by doing

and modelling, knowing how to manage emotions and how to handle stress. Signing that leadership is

a responsibility not just a position.

Leaders teach and train the team the power of problem solving, coping skills and how to be resilient in

the face of any challenges that they may face.

Because guess what!

There are always challenges that will face YOU and your team.

Life is full of these kinds of difficulties and challenges. Though, they will be able to go through all these

things by resilience and other important skills the leader has and his/her team will inherent.

Coping skills

One of the skills that leaders need to have is the coping skills. Also the team has to see it and feel it in

the attitude and actions of the Authentic Leader.

The coping skills are these techniques that people respond and do in the face of stress and how they

deal with challenges so that they will perform well.

Coping skills has many types, the leader should acquire at least two of them: the problem based-

coping and the emotional-based- coping

The problem based- coping: means that leader focus on the problem and how to eliminate the stressor/

situation from life/ organization if it is in control which will have positive impact on work environment.

 The emotional-based- coping: means that you manage the emotions and lessen the impact of the

stressful situation especially if it is not in your control. Such as practice meditation, mindfulness and

any other activity that can clear your soul and mind to see thing more clear and lessen the impact of

the negative emotions in you.

As Authentic Leader, you have a great responsibility towards your team. They will learn everything from you by modelling.

Be Remarkable influential model

Ways to be authentic Leader

  • Control Your Ego

  • Seek for credit

  • Always there is better

  • Know when to say enough

  • You are not right every time

  • Wining is trap

  • Let go of control

Being authentic leader requires much of self-management before managing others.

Some of these things:

Control Your Ego: this inner voice that says to you” You are better” You deserve to be head and

shoulders above others “You are the only one that matter” all of these sentence remark that your ego

has to be handled and controlled because most of the time.

Remember that there is always another one who is more talented, better and more successful. This

doesn’t mean that you are not though the point is that you always strive to improvement and don’t

see yourself as superior. Control Your Ego.

 Seek Credit from others

Seeking for credit from others makes you a prey to their mooed, appraise and blame and everything in

between. You are not waiting for others to give you credit for your success and achievements.

We all mow that appreciation is a huge value everyone strive for as not everyone is able to do so and

this is according to everyone’s else values and beliefs.

Your achievements are your pride and only yours, don’t wait for others to appreciate or to give you credit for it.

You are not right all the time

There is a misconception claims that there is always right or wrong nothing in between. This half right

half wrong. There is always a gray area grabbing all the exceptions that people believe, feel, think and


There is not always a clear-cut right and wrong answer to every situation, especially when it comes to

humans. It is really complicated to understand the human minds and souls; there are preferences,

values, interests, situations, cultures, circumstances and much more.

We all have our own perspectives, which can sometimes lead to different outcomes. It’s important to

be understanding and open-minded.

Before judging things on right and wrong scale, take a breath and check if this thing is relating to

humans!! Then accept the fact that you will find lots of things in between.

It’s true that there is not always a clear-cut right and wrong answer to every situation. The best way to

approach any dilemma is to try to look at it from all angles and come to an understanding that makes

sense for the situation. We all have our own perspectives, which can sometimes lead to different

outcomes. It’s important to be understanding and open-minded, and strive to find a resolution that

works for everyone involved.

Winning or losing

A trap people always fell in it!

If you win, you are a winner, if you lose! You know what we will call you!

As Authentic Leader, you have to get another definition for winning.

Let me help you with some definitions

Winning is the last try of 100 mistakes and failures.

Winning is when team intend to face their fears and take the first step

Winning is when team always seek for their personal development

Winning is when team always feel safe with you

Winning is when team plan, execute and take risks

Winning is when team add value wherever they go

Winning is mental state of mind. Once you adapt it! You will be always a winner.

 “Your strength doesn’t come from winning. It comes from struggles and hardship. Everything that you go through prepares you for the next level.”
~ Germany Kent

Authentic Leader is an inspirational leader that has many characteristics to deal with humans. we will talk much more about Authentic Leader in other articles


Check these articles:

Dealing with Your Collages at Workplace

Are You Emotionally Intelligent! Easy Steps to Cultivate Your Emotional Intelligence, Read to Know.

5 Easy Powerful Steps to Acquire Skills!

How to Avoid Toxic People

How to Stay Motivated: 6 Steps to Be Self-Motivated


We are providing leadership training and career development, coaching .contact us for further details and reserve a slot.


Help Your Team To GROW| Coaching Model


As a leader you have great responsibilities towards your team. to help your team to grow.

As a coach or mentor you have responsibilities too.

Inspiring, urging and encourage your team and helping them to grow are main factors to reach success and to build strong team that can achieve all the goals of organization.

As a leader having coaching skills is from the essentials that you need to excel. Coaching your team and encourage them to get solutions and ideas are so powerful to reach excellence in their personal, professional life.

Regarding coaching skills, using models and tools will help you tremendously to do the job.

Grow Model

Grow model considers one of the powerful model to coach and mentoring others as well.

It is originally developed in 1980th by business coaches: Sir Whitmore, Graham Alexander and Alan Fine.

It depends on four basic steps to set a goal, know the current situation and number the solutions. Finally, put the action plan and the next steps.

The Grow model is an acronym for four steps:

G – Goal

R – Reality

O – Options

W- will/way forward

Setting the Goal

As a leader you, you need to set the goal at the very beginning or why bother to try to know the reality then the solutions.

First things first which is know the end result. What do you want to achieve!

Additionally, it is necessary to know that the goal is a SMART goal. It is attainable, time framed, measurable, real one and logic.

As a coach, it is so important to set a goal for your session as to dig deep into the reality and the options, it is needed to know what the client wants to achieve by the end of the sessions.

What is the end result that he need to achieve.

Know the Reality

The current situation is where is everything is hidden. In the current situation all the stories begin, the pain, the challenges and the reasons behind them all.

It is important to set a reasonable time in this stage to know exactly what is behind everything happens with your team if you’re a leader or your client if you are a coach.

For example:

  • Tell me about your current situation?
  • What do you feel?
  • How this impacts your life?
  • If this situation doesn’t exist, what will happen?
  • Tell me more!

Fully understanding of the reality of the clients/ team will set the foundation of a success coaching.

The Options

Provoking the thoughts of the clients / team is the core of coaching. It is a process of brainstorming. It is to let the client/ team bring their own solutions, their own ideas.

Provoking their thoughts by asking great questions will bring great answers.

That is exactly what you need to know as a leader/ coach to set all the solutions, options in front of their eyes.

The clients need to widen their thoughts and see the whole matter from different perspective. After all coaching is about raising self-awareness.

Let the team / clients number the options themselves, and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each and every option/ solution. this model will help your team to grow.

Let them be aware of the options and which one is the suitable for their challenge.

The client is the expert.

He is the only one who knows his/her circumstances, background, problems and challenges. What really happens in their life?

Way Forward

What’s next!

It is so important question the clients or the team need to be asked.

What is the next move? How will you achieve this?

What is the obstacle that you may face?

How will you tackle that?

These entire questions will add some more clarity plus specific action steps the clients will put in their consideration to see the big picture for every step of their action plan.

And we can’t forget the timing, support and any other thing will help the clients/team to achieve their goal that they set in the very beginning of the coaching session.

Grow may be is not the only coaching model in coaching, there are many other models such as; SCORE, COACH and OSKAR. Though GROW Model is the most powerful and it is the basic for the other models.

Try to use this model to help your team to grow.

Needless to say, it is so powerful to use it in your personal and professional life.



Also Read:

Career Diamond Model| Career Selection

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5 Easy Powerful Steps to Acquire Skills!

5 Easy Powerful Steps to Acquire Skills!

We all strive to be better; we all have that will to enhance our performance and acquire multiple skills in this crazy world.

We know deep inside that we won’t have our dream jobs without having some skills that meet the need of jobs requirements in this hectic life.

Most of business owners seek in their employees that multiple skills that will add value to their business. That’s why they select the most skillful employees even if they will cost them a fortune. After all, they don’t want to end up with poor performance employees that will ruin their business.

Moreover, Business owners always strive to hire the employees with positive attitude, and this will be explained in more details soon.

First and foremost, what kind of skills are they seeking for?

Business skills seem to be hard to acquire, but this is nothing but a myth. Nothing is hard or difficult as you learn it and practice it deliberately.

Back to the question, what are the skills that you should have in the business world?

Essentially, any skills that you will acquire will benefit the business you are in. The idea of learning new skill in general reflects that you are ambitious person and you’re always seeking for improvement and want to be better each day. That attitude is what the business owners are looking for.

As a result any skill you seek to learn is going to make you a success.

I know you are saying now, for God’s sake! what are the skills I should learn?

It’s the time to talk nitty-gritty

This process holds two perspectives:

The first is to ask yourself some questions first: What do I love, what do I care about?

My interests- My values

The answer to these questions will make you discover your abilities, your potential, values and interests. Think about what skills you care about, what skills you want to master.

You may like drawing, presenting, playing music, dancing whatever your passion is, go for it. Anything that brings you happiness and comfort, just do it right away. It helps you in the business world as well as it will enrich and enhance your abilities and performance.

Then here we come to the second prospect: how to learn any skill?

Acquiring a skill is not as difficult as it is in the past. All what you need to do is to google it and watch millions of search results and enjoy the process.

Is it really as simple as that?

Actually, NO

 I was oversimplifying it.

It’s not as simple as that, and it’s not so hard as well.

YUP, you can search for million ways of “how to do ….”

But there are numerous other things you need to do besides of search for sources. If you have this tough mindset, you will do robust things in your life after figuring out your passion or at least you interest.

No doubt about that you need to know the fundamentals about any skills, know some knowledge to back up your learning process otherwise you won’t be able to truly learn something new.

I will explain. Everything in this world has two sides: the theoretical and the implementations.

You won’t be able to implement a new thing without knowing the theory part of it. Otherwise you will spoil the learning process completely.

Step 1: Know the basics (Fundamentals)

Knowing the basics of anything will inform you about this thing theoretically, which takes a huge part in how you will implement it.

But does this mean to just read about it, and know theories?

Never ever, it’s just step NO.1 and it will stay there, just No.1

The knowledge is important; it is the foundation of everything.

Some people underestimate the power of knowledge.

In the same exact time, you need to wrap it up with more of action and execution.

Step 2Search for network

Search for like-minded people. People have the same interests as you, and they want to learn the same skills.

Like-minded people will help you achieve your goal. You all will encourage each other to reach your goal.

Step 3. Obsession

Obsession means simply live and dream with the skill.

 Indulge yourself to the core, to the fullest in this skill. And your tribe will help you to accomplish this.

Step 4. Pick a role model

Every skill in this world has its master.

I mean here that the role model of your skill will play a massive role in your learning process as they will encourage you in indirect way to do what you want to do.

You will follow their footsteps, achievements and accomplishments and eventually you will live the process wholeheartedly.

Step 5. Practise Practise then Practise

Practise makes perfect is not a cliché statement. It’s a real process with a real, significant and marvelous outcome.

Once you started to indulge yourself in your new skill and practice it to the core, it becomes a habit. And we act blindly towards habits.

It will be a second nature. You will know it as the back of your hands.

YUP, it’s guaranteed.

Now I can say congrats!

You master this skill. and be assured that as many times as you practice you do it perfectly and awesomely. Practising anything in your life, make it easier to handle, and much more comfortable when you tackle it.

Learn and practice.

Rinse and repeat.

That’s why the concept of “practice makes perfect” comes from.

In a nutshell, implementing these 5 steps in leaning any skill you want to learn will Inevitably make you accomplish it.

And If you need a help from an experienced mentor, send me a message to set up a session to provide you with the needed tools and the practicality steps you need to work on in your learning process.

And as promised, you will reach your goal sooner than you think.

Finally, pack up your emotions, ambition, willpower and start away.

Go fight for what you want in this life.

6 Skills Are Not Preferable By Schools

6 Skills Are Not Preferable By Schools

Everybody  out there know quite well that the school education is essential, but it’s not sufficient.

School education provides the students with tons of knowledge and information they need to know.

They are exposed to millions of pieces of information about different disciplines,

knowledge in books …… endless list.

But no one talks about that that school education lacks practicality and

implementation. This education has no skills to teach its students to face this

competitive world.

It depends on the “one-size-fits-all” principle which lacks the individuality differences,

and the various abilities and interests of most of the students.

On the other hand, that concept doesn’t fit this crazy world, which is full of hunger

people for growth and success.

That is why the majority of students intend to take training courses besides their

ordinary education.

Unfortunately, some of them simply dropped off to learn more skills that benefit them,

and make them capable to face this fast-paced world.

They believe that these new skills will expose them to multiple chances to get their

dream jobs.

Surprisingly enough, that is because the school education is not enough for them to

achieve what they want in their life.

Let’s talk nitty-gritty

Besides some majors and hard skills you need to master, there are massive numbers of

other life and business skills you are oblivious to.

And now we will talk about these skills as they are significant and essential to be


Let’s dive in


Unfortunately, our Empathy is selective. We are biased in our feelings towards some people, some incidents.

Some people are kind of racists when it comes to religion, race, color ….. the list goes on.

To feel Empathy for others is a virtue. We need to care about each other, feeling Empathy reflects our humanity.

Regardless the fights you are going through your life, don’t lose this virtue in deep inside you.

This important skill you need to be learned.

Conflict Resolving

Have you ever been in a fight over words with your colleagues or your friends?

then you reacted in a very sever way. It was furious reaction, and later you regret it so much!

Always happens, right?

That’s because you didn’t manage your emotions, you released that anger energy and let it devastates every green around you.

That is why you must learn to resolve any conflict without losing your temper.

Learn to respond, not to react.

Responding in an effective way will enhance the situation and will make you managing your emotions faster and stronger.

 Managing your emotions, and having those few seconds to think and visualize the consequences before you respond in the critical situations is a real skill not all the people can do.

Conflict is unavoidable in this high-tech, high speed world.

 As the people are mostly in bad temper and hold huge responsibilities upon their shoulders, which make them vulnerable to any small disagreement or opposing opinions.

Nevertheless, you can change this perspective with learning how to resolve the conflict and alter your respond to the situation.

Ask Great Questions

The art of asking questions is frequently ignored by the schools and universities.

Most of the time people ask vague, useless questions, and nobody has ever tried to correct this concept for you.

This art is a powerful skill; it has to be taught to people.

It’s essential in communication.

The good communicator is the one who is able to ask great questions to have great answers from the people around.

The good communicator motivates others to dig deep in themselves and explore their thoughts and ideas. The one who urges people to be


Another essential skill is ignored. Nevertheless, it’s the most needed skill in the market today.

To avoid conflict from the very beginning in any aspect in your life, you are in deep need to learn this skill which is The “Negotiation”.

To be able to negotiate means that you’re able to make a deal, win- win business situation.

However, if you’re not fully aware with this skill, which basically means you will lose a lot.

You are going to miss huge benefits in business and even in your social life.

Knowing this skill makes you assertive and confident enough to know your rights and seek to make the best out of them.

 On the other hand, ignoring such powerful skill adds no value in your practical life, as you will fall an easy prey for anyone who will use you, and try to make benefits at your cost.

It’s surely another best way for good communication.

Making Money

One of the greatest sins that schools do that it never teaches us how to make save or invest money.

Making money is an essential skill that should be taught and learned. School should start to teach kids how to make money to reinforce the roots of entrepreneurship in kids souls and mind as todays’ market demands more of creative business men/women and entrepreneurs.


Body Language

As there is a verbal type of communication, also there is a non- verbal type which is truly essential to be aware of others communication postures and gestures.

You will know more about people and their attitude towards you without even speaking with them.

You will know the things they say and the things they don’t say.

Sounds amazing, right?

It’s important to know how to talk to people to know them better, but it’s more importantly to know their body language which it has tremendous secrets behind the scenes.

Their eye contact, body gestures, their vibes towards you.

Add to do this, you’ll be in a position to know more about people and know exactly how to deal with them in a proper way.

Moreover, this will benefit you in business as you’ll be fully aware of the unspoken language of your clients, and their vibes towards you and your business.

On the other hand, it will be amazing to handle all the situations you may face in your personal life as you become not oblivious to the body language of your family members.

Generally speaking, the knowledge you’ve been learned for almost your life time is not enough to go fearlessly into this crazy life.

You need to wrap up this knowledge with more skills and big action.

I mean by this actionable perspective that you need to master like these essential skills, some among others, to be able to handle situations and face fearlessly and courageously any situation to get what you deserve in this life

Keep in mind that education is not an ending process; it’s a long journey throughout your life.

Brian Tracy once said: “be a lifelong student, the more you learn, the more you earn, the more self-confidence you will be.”




Essential Keys to Success

What Leads to Success: 8 Important Keys


Success is not just a word, it’s a concept. It is a perspective holding massive number of meanings. It’s a dream, goal and accomplishment.

Basically, all people on this earth have a solo dream which is to be successful.

No matter if they work for it or not, the most important thing is to be a success.

But it doesn’t as simple as it looks. It’s not about dreams, and siting in an open area lost in contemplation and daydream about success, although it’s a part of it too.

But the master keys to success are robust, and they are all completing each other. One key pass to another.

It’s like a big puzzle game; you have to collect every single piece to make a complete pattern.

NOW enough with the fluff.

You can achieve success simply by adapting yourself to simple thoughts, ideas and powerful action steps.

Success is not a about just planning. You have to make efforts.

No magic buttons here. There is no Alaa Eldin lamp, and the Gini will not come out asking you for your wishes.

You have to work as hard as you can.

Nothing is worthy comes easy. You have to drown in your sweat to gain it.

Success comes to who deserves it, and who goes for it.

Not to the ones who just dream about it.

According to Jom Rohn, the most successful philosopher in the personal development industry, he said” Human needs to complete their life puzzle first to achieve wealth and happiness (Success)”.

Let’s talk nitty-gritty

The keys that lead you to success:

Key 1: Passion

I can see that big exclamation mark on your face. Yes, you read it right.

Passion is an essential key to success, actually, it can lead to it, as when you do something with passion, and eagerness you’ll be successful in it.

Love what you do is the sauce secret. Nevertheless, a number of crucial steps are still needed.

Key 2: Discipline

Push yourself to the core.

Be Self-discipline and push yourself all the time, in better and worth, when you feel stressed, or relaxed always push yourself to move forward.

Self-discipline is a profound skill you need to master away from time consuming and the temptation out there.


Key 3: Focus

Fully concentration on your goals and aims inevitably lead to success.

Focus always on yourself, staying away from nonsenses and plan your goals effectively without wasting your time or efforts.

Key 4: Determination

Determination is another crucial key to success as without it you’ll never reach your success.

In order to reach success, you have to experience huge failures.

But you need to be persistent and determined, and not to give up cause of these failures. Those failures are great life lessons, massive experiences.

They should motivate you, and push you to be determiner enough to cross all these obstacles. It’s the only way to achieve what you want.


Key 5: Ideas

Your thought and ideas make a difference. It’s what differentiates you from the others.

Actually, this key has to be at the beginning as it is a logical order, but I would rather focus on the decision you will make first, then the willing to do as mush effort as you can.

If you are thoughtful and insightful, it’s more likely you’ll be successful.

Others may can’t think serious, or haven’t the ability to bring new ideas, and to be creative. That is exactly what makes you distinctive and unique.


Key 6: Commitment

Work as a term is essential. You need to work. Work as much as you can.

Your commitment to achieving your goals no matter the obstacles, challenges and the effort you will put in it. It is what makes you successful.

Push yourself to hard work; push yourself to be out of your comfort zone. Keep pushing as you still breathing. It needs great effort, but this how it works.


Key 7: Helping Others

Serving people, and serving the community has an incredibly impact on your life.

It increases your self–value which instantly increases your self-esteem as you add value to the people around you, and the community you live in.


Key 8: Communication

You won’t be a successful if you’re a bad communicator. In that crazy life you MUST master this skill.

Communicating with others is significant, it erases the barriers, it eradicates the gabs between people.

If you truly want to be successful you need to be a good communicator.


In a nut shell, success is a chain holding all these keys. Keys are completing each other. If you miss a key you may miss a chance or two to achieve your goals.

To be persistent, patient, good communicator, serve people and do things with passion are what make the most influential people on this earth are successful.

Believe, find your path, work hard and go grab what you want.


How to Avoid Toxic People

How to Avoid Toxic People


Accept it or not, people have a humongous impact on our life as they are a crucial part in our world. Whether they are good or bad, they affect us dramatically.

We should select the people whom we live, interact and communicate with because as long as they are good, kind and positive, they will affect our mindset positively.

You need to surround yourself with good, positive and tough mindset people if you want to increase the chances of your success.

As the influential people always refer to that if you get a long with 5 successful people, you will be the sixth. If you surround yourself with rich people, you will rich

On the other side, these types of toxic people can ruin all your attempts to achieve what you dream of.

Negative mindset will affect you immensely, and this is the last thing you want to accomplish your big goal.

You need a builder not a destroyer. That’s exactly why you should kick off the toxic people out of your life.

But HOW?

They are still a part of our world. They are inside our community, work and even home.

Not any more, here we are to offer you some steps to erase this chapter from your life book endlessly.

Let’s talk nitty-gritty

How to Avoid the Toxic People?

We are not in a position of selecting the people around. Therefore, we can definitely choose our circle and who exactly will be in it.

Here are some techniques you need to follow to avoid toxic people from your life.

Keep a poker face

Stress can kill you. Every time you feel nervous or stressed you lose millions of seconds of happiness.

Train yourself to keep calm and quite when you see somebody you dislike. Don’t make him/her affects your temper.

And don’t let them approach you anyhow.

By keeping a poker face every time you meet them, this will deliver your message deliberately, without saying a word. This will say in a silence mood ” I don’t want you in my life”.

Stay away from specific situations

It’s a common sense, every situation you know that you may meet this person or will interact with him/her, try to avoid it.

I am fully aware that there are some situations are unavoidable, like in business or school. Try hard to stay calm and wear on your poker face and do the job and leave fast.

In some parties or other places, you may be compelled to meet some people you don’t like.

It’s normal, but you can try hard to avoid the situation that may gather you together.

Set your boundaries

Every one of us has his own boundaries. Setting you own limits are more important than anything else in your life. You have to keep your personal space free from toxic people.

Meeting some people, you are not like gives a feeling of weirdness, and produces negative energy. We need to get rid of it to partially live a stress-free life.

Draw your boundaries and prevent anyone to cross it will be massively beneficial.

Ignore the person

Ignoring is an art, you need to learn. Not anything in your life needs you to response to it. Keep in mind ” Don’t react, it’s not important”.

Specifically ignoring someone who irritates you, and makes you uncomfortable, it seems like your self-right is to ignore him immediately.

Just imagine that he is not there, he is not existing in this world.

Walk away from him/her, and enjoy your time with the people you like, the people who bring out the best of you, not the kind of toxic people who brings out everything is bad in you.

They are called toxic for a reason.

No shame, call for help

Most of the cases having a third person watching the situation may help you drastically in this matter as he will see better the whole matter from a distant.

He may advice you how not to be stressed, or how to keep your calmness through tough situations.

Be sure he is trusted, and you feel comfortable with him.

He will guide you not to be so blunt or harsh and to do what you want without hurting others.

Note Aside: Stay away from hurting others even if they are toxic people, it will be so mean.

Do it for your sake, not the sake of others.

Keep your cool manners.

Keep your genuine Positive Attitude 

We are now figuring out some techniques to keep your positivity.

If you are surrounded with bad people, toxic, your energy will be drained.

And negativity will find its way through your head, and this will affect dramatically your mindset.

If negativity takes control over your life because of some people who really don’t like you, you will be miserable and live in mediocre.

Keep your positive mindset always turn on, don’t let anybody ruin it for you.

Looking always at the bright side and learn the art of ignoring.

Ignore every situation, every person that may spoil your life.

Last but not the least, focus more on YOU. Set your goals and concentrate more on these goals.

That what really matters.

Don’t let others drain your energy or give them the permission to conquer your mind with their negativity. You are a way more far from them. You’re unique and one- of -a kind.

Hang in there and fight for your freedom and your will power.

You should do this to make your life healthier and more comfortable.

That really accounts.



Improve Your Life in 15 Minutes

Improve Your Life in 15 Minutes


In This hectic life most of people find it difficult to release out the stress and anxiety which disturb their inner peace.

Responsibilities, duties and endless list of compelled work and tasks is their daily boring routine.

That’s why they don’t have any extra time for themselves to relief or recharge their energy.

And as usual we would like to help. We would like to help you to recharge your energy according to your limited time and busy schedule.

As you know you need some time out to recharge your battery and look with a fresh eye into your missions in life.

15 minutes are all what you need to do marvelous things, and to start to relieve for some time away from your crazy day that full of tedious tasks, and huge responsibilities.

In 15 minutes, you can do multiple things to better your life, and enhance your productivity as your productivity is based on your inner peace and stress free life.

Eager to know?

Let’s dive in

1-Light stretching and some Zumba dance

Spending 15 minutes every morning in light stretching is very beneficial. Undoubtedly, it will enrich your soul and make you feel powerful and positive in the morning.

And this is what you really need to start your busy day with.

Zumba dance is really awesome; you’ll get rid of your negativity. It has been experienced and guaranteed.

Mark my words.

2-De- clutter your things

I was told once that if you want to be successful you have to start your day with tiding your bed. Sounds cool, right?

And it’s really true.

In 15 minutes, you can de- clutter your things including your closet, bed, desk even your office papers. this will have a great effect on your inner soul.

Tidy and neat things around you will feed your soul with positivity and peace plus COMFY.

3-Learn something new

No magic here, but yes, you can learn something new in just 15 minutes. Watch a motivational video can inspire you with a lot of things.

Learning to play an instrument for 15 minutes on daily basis for example will be great.

Knitting also can be done in that magic 15 minutes.

Learning a new language within 15 minutes on daily basis can be significantly beneficial.

Learning is no more difficult as you will practice it on daily basis for that 15 minutes.

4-Strengthen your mindset

Between the powerful and weaken mindset is huge differences. Powerful mindset can drive and motivate you with numerous things, that’s why you in deep need to strengthen your mindset.

But how will you do that?

It’s simple by the way, just follow these tips

Read books for influential people and follow their footsteps.

Build good beneficial and productive habits, (The Atomic Habits) is a great example to start with.

This will teach you to think big, and it will have a great impact on your life.

Choose a good tribe to engage with. This means to have a great companion.

And much more will be portrayed in another article.

5- Some “ME” time

Providing yourself some quality time is really effective.

Solitude matters, it’s the air we breathe. Sometimes we need to sit down alone for 15 minutes and retied, reshape our ideas and thoughts.

Review our life and evaluate some actions really crucial.

Enjoying your favorite music, playing your instrument in 15 minutes, any kind of thing that relax and unwind you, will make you feel happy, and fade away any stress you may be undergone.

6- Empower your relationships

Taking care of your family and empowering your relationship is extremely significant.

Because of the busy and hectic life most of people miss the needed time that they need to spend in empowering and strengthen their relationship which ended up with humongous problems and eventually break ups.

In just 15 minutes you have to pay more attention to your relationships, your family, kids and friends.

Offering a rose to your wife can make her happy.

Calling your parents and ask about them will made their day.

Sending a text message to your kids asking them for lunch will be the greatest thing you’ve done in your day.

Just cut out 15 minutes for doing something positive towards your family and friends will recharge and strengthen your relationships.

Your Worth Comes From The Value You Add To People And Community

~Rania Lelah

7- Helping others

Make 15 minutes in your day helping people around you will make you feel self-worthy, and will enhance your self-image.

You will feel happy each time you help someone with something he/she needs.

You add value, and this increases your self-esteem and will better your relationships with others.

Helping others is not just financially; it can be emotionally, mentally and spiritually

Be kind, and talk kind, and do kind.

8- Write a journal

Writing is a crucial skill you MUST develop.

Write anything on daily basis for those 15 minutes will do miracles. Not only will improve your writing skills, but also it will relieve your mind.

It’s another way to de-clutter the noises in your mind.

And it’s not necessary to write the things you do in your day, but you can be selective, write the things that affect you, things that made you happy.

Things you want to achieve in the future.

Write to do list with action plan, goals and dreams. Write you weakness and strengthen points, and how to shift the negativity to positivity.

Many things to write in 15 minutes can enrich and inspire you with humongous things.

In a nutshell, there are tons of things you can do in just 15 minutes to improve the way you live, and to enhance and enrich your crazy life.

No excuses will be acceptable. You can do robust things just if you’re really willing to do so.

Have no time, just in 15 minutes you can do it all.

Strive for leading your life. You can control it.

Don’t let it control you.

Strive to make a difference in your life and in this universe.


6 Steps to Be Self-Motivated

How to Stay Motivated: 6 Steps to Be Self-Motivated


In that High tech- High speed world, it’s easy to get stressed, we all do, but as much as we feel stressed, we have to get rid of it.  It affects badly our productivity and the way we perceive ourselves and the world around us.


To be nervous and stressed out about things you can’t control basically means that you drain your energy the bad way, and allow the negativity to conquer your mind and inevitably the failure will have its two wings over you.

This eventually will destroy the motivation you need to hit success.


How to be motivated?

Actually, it is a good question, and there are tons of answers.

But more importantly than to ask about motivation is to ask about how to be self-motivated person, not be awaited for an outer force to drive or motivate you.

Here are some answers; you are in the right place in the perfect time.

Let’s talk nitty-gritty

Because we care about you, we stated some tips you need to know and follow to be self-motivated individual.

1- Celebrate you small victories

Every one of us has his own small wins, small but have their great effect on our mood.

First of all, mark these wins. Celebrate them. Appreciate them and be grateful for these wins. This will increase your self-esteem and will make you appreciate your self-image.

Basically, it’s all about the self-image, it’s the silver line between your self-respect and self-deprecate.

When you appreciate your self and nurture it with winning, it

Makes your self-image strong, which can support and motivate you and makes you feel unbreakable.


2- Keep mum about your goals

Spreading the news about your goals and plans will get you nothing but sarcastic, and the chances are you are not going to achieve them.


Some people out there in this world hate and envy you without specific reasons. There is no need to give them the reason to taunt you. This will awfully affect your mindset and will make you feel depressed and disappointed.

This eventually brings negativity to your life.


Sharing is not all the time an effective tool. You can share your wins, but spreading your plans in the work, will has bad consequences.

I highly do not recommend this.


3- Stop comparing yourself to others

The biggest mistake you could commit to yourself is comparing yourself to others.

It’s unfair; moreover, it’s the easiest way to self-sabotage.

You’re unique and one of a kind.

You have something others don’t have; you are not supposed to belittle yourself and comparing yourself to others.


Allah Has created us uniquely and every one of us has his abilities and talents.

We are all different plus we all have our own chances and circumstances.

Don’t do this to yourself.


4- Do what you love

Following your passion has a massive effect on your mentality. You strengthen your mindset by adding fuel to it.

This excitement and passionate you feel when you do something you love positively will make you happy and affects your life massively.

Playing your favorite instrument or writing a journal or even listening to favorite classical music can make you fly on the moon or sit on the seventh heaven. T is up to your imagination


Just imagine, playing your favorite instrument for a while and go directly to do something else is serious; you’ll feel powerful, motivated, and inspired by tremendous things.


5- Slash Your Big Goal Into Smaller Tasks 

It’s the most crucial step as when you cut a huge goal you may think it’s impossible to achieve it. But once you cut it into small tasks doing one at a time. This goal now is approachable.


Every time you achieve a task, you will be beautifully motivated to achieve the next one and this will build a momentum.

This snowball effect will eventually make you successful as your accomplishments are countless and are talking of you.


6- Help Others

Helping others is a virtue. It’s inspired you with tremendous things.

When you help people, you will feel connected, and will be motivated which inevitably increase your self -confidence.

We all live in one world; we have to support and help each other no matter the age, culture and the race.


In a nutshell, motivation is crucial and essential to progress. But self- motivation is more importantly as it comes from inside you, not waiting for something or someone to drive you.

You drive yourself, just handling your inner force with mindset and everything in this world is achievable and approachable.


It’s pretty simple, search for something that lights your fire, something enlightens you.

The word “impossible” does really not exist afterwards. Everything is possible as hardly as you want it to be.

The power within yourself


How to be Emotionally Intelligent (1200 × 622 px)

How to Cultivate Your Emotional Intelligence

Are You Emotionally Intelligent!

Easy Steps to Cultivate Your Emotional Intelligence, Read to Know.

15 years ago Intellectual Intelligence was so essential in the professional world. It was a needed skill, but time changes everything.

Studies show that people who have high IQ lacking social skills. Some of them have problems with controlling their emotions. Others lack empathy, some other with high tech skills lack self-awareness.

Moreover, they suffer from the social anxiety. People with high IQ, unfortunately, underestimate the power of emotions in general. They focus on logic and forget about the human beings’ feelings and emotion and a truly fact which is we are emotional creatures.

As a matter of fact, being emotionally intelligent in this hectic world is a crucial skill.

This arises a question! How do you know that you are an Emotional Intelligent?

Let me help you with this

People with low EQ are recognized by the following:

  • Having difficulties with understanding others’ emotions

They don’t understand their own emotions, and for sure understanding other’s emotions is the next impossible.

  • Playing the blame game all the time

They always blame others for their own frustrations, anxiety or even stress. They refuse to take responsibility for their emotions and decisions.

  • Misjudging other’s emotions

They misunderstand others’ reactions and may call them overly sensitive as they misinterpret the situations.

  • Having difficulty with keeping friends

They lose friends most of the time because they are cold and uncaring about others. They are walking around with a poker face. So, no wonder no one like to talk to a poker face.

  • Getting into a lot of meaningless arguments

Because they don’t know how to control their thoughts and emotions effectively, they go into meaningless argument in order to vent their frustration or show their power to people.

  • Feeling misunderstood

Complaining that they are always misunderstood by others, which feed their negative feelings towards themselves and others.

  • They are judgmental

They jump to conclusions so fast. Their unnamed emotions are controlling their decisions.

  • They are easily get pissed off

Lastly, some people lose their temper easily. But people with low EQ are quicker to lose their temper. They always get stressed.

Now we know how low EQ people think and act.

How many do you have of these qualities? two?

3 qualities? May be more?

Don’t worry, Emotional Intelligence is not in-born talent.

It’s kind of education. It’s a skill to be earned and learned. You can acquire and develop it anytime.

Surprisingly, learning this skill becomes a MUST in the professional world. Some studies show that most of business owners are looking for employees with high Emotional Intelligence rather than employees with high IQ.

Business world needs more of employees who can communicate effectively with clients. People with high interpersonal skills and multiple-tasking skills, employees can manage their emotions and maintain the positive attitude during the work pressure.

Let’s talk nitty gritty

What is the Emotional Intelligence?

EQ is that awareness of controlling your thoughts and emotions in critical and risky situations. It’s that empathy you feel towards people by imagining yourself in their shoes.


It’s that self-motivation that drives you to do more in your life. And lastly, it’s about handling your relationships effectively.

I used to play the blame game all the way. I accused people for my frustration and stress.

I used to say that they don’t understand me, and do two things: complaining and whining.

YUP, I was from that harshly, not considerate low EQ people. But as we agreed, Time changes everything 😊

It all started with the realization of your own emotions, how to manage it and control it.

My mindset changed completely. I have become more empathy and worked more on self-motivation which drives me to achieve my goals in life.

Hence proven, it’s not too late. YOU can change too

But first and foremost, let’s know the 4 areas of Emotional Intelligence

According to Daniel Goldman, the Godfather of Emotional Intelligence whi starts with a ground breaking book” Emotional Intelligence” proved that Emotional intelligence has 4 main ares and massive number of competences.

  • Self- awareness

To be aware of your own emotions is critical. It basically means that you have answers to these questions:

How do you interpret your thoughts?

What are the negative emotions come from?

How to maintain the positive mindset?

Simply put, realize and recognize YOUR emotions, knowing your strengthen and weaknesses, values and beliefs.

  • Managing Emotions/ Self regulation

Right after being aware of your emotions, managing them is a MUST.

Manage your frustration, stress and anxiety.

There is a stereotypical thought claims that venting emotions can release stress.

And in my humble opinion, It’s half right, half wrong.

More: venting negative emotions will do no more but increase your negative emotions for longer time. You were angry, so to vent that feeling, you became more and more angry!

Nothing good come out of it.

What’s the solution?

I’ll tell you. DISTRACT yourself for some time,  not for good

Distraction will compel your thoughts to direct its emotions in another way, another path. And then come back to the situation/ emotions with new brilliant eyes and perception.

If you are angry, go for a walk

If you are hurt, go and dance

If you are stressed, read a book or watch a comedy movie.

DISTRACTION is the key to overcome your negative emotions.

  • Self-motivation

Motivation is the power that drives people to do more in their life. Motivation is critical in one’s progress. It’s the fuel which fills the vehicle of your life.

But what should you do if one morning you wake up and you find your vital motivation disappears!

Or no longer have you been affected by its power?

You will feel empty, right?

Everything around you are meaningless, bunch of crap.

That’s why to be self-motivated is essential in your progress. This massive power is inside you and only you

Can you imagine how amazing this is?

  • Empathy

Unfortunately, our empathy is selective. We feel empathy with certain people in certain situations.

But we also need to correct this concept. We are all human beings.

One thing that makes people so aggressive with each other that they don’t understand each other.

Put yourself in the other’s shoes. And you will get it.

You will understand how he/she reacts in that way. This eventually will clear the air at least inside your mind and soul.

That’s why to get rid of grudges is significant to your emotional intelligence.

  • Handling Relationships

Once you feel empathy towards people plus control your negative emotions and thoughts, you will maintain the positive mindset and this will level up your energy.

The irony of the ironies this is exactly what you need to maintain a healthy and rightfully relationship. Any relationship needs compassion, empathy and controlling some emotions.


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After we knew the 4 areas of Emotional Intelligence, here is an expected question:

How we develop our emotional intelligence, how to interact in an effective way.

The answer to this question in the following tips and tricks

Focus Peer:

  1. Active listening

Listen effectively is not a cliché statement. Listening truly makes wonders.

Recall with me, how many times did you listen to someone not in order to understand, just to answer him!

How many times you were thinking about a reply more than the whole issue?

How many times did you talk to a person just to argue not to solve the problem!


Many times, I believe.

Simply, it’s human nature.

Next time listen with whole mind and soul to the other partner.

Listen to fully understand, not to reply.

Tell you something, don’t you ever reply. Just listen.

Practice holding yourself back and prevent your brutally urge to reply and you will be astonished by the results.


  1. Respond Don’t react

Your problem in reaction while you thought it was a respond.

Practice every time you face a critical situation, or you were provoked by some actions of somebody.

does he really mean it? Or it was an accident?

If he really means it, do I have to react furiously, or withdraw now will be better for me.

Thinking in this positive way will eventually make you calmer, and you will react in a logical and smarter way.

Bare in your mind that reaction is not the right things to do, you need to respond rightfully.

  1. Practice self-awareness

Being aware of your own emotions and know the difference between the stress, frustration, anger and even depression will increase your Emotional Intelligence.

People’s problem in this issue that they mixed it up all the emotions, they don’t really understand how they feel right now, or how they should react.

That’s why they are easily get pissed off.

Name your feeling right now, see if you are in a good mood or not, if not try to distract yourself. Go do something fun.

After some time, name again your feeling in that moment.

Rinse and repeat.

  • Take critique well

One of human being’s weakness point is the criticism. NO one likes to be criticized.

It’s our nature.

In any situation if you have a hunch that someone is about to criticize you! You will shoot him with varied kinds of words. You will be massively aggressive and will tell him/her off definitely.

But what if you tame yourself to accept whatever. What if you train your mind to be in normal state when anyone tries to criticize you?

Changing your mindset will do the trick!

  • Empathize with others

As we agreed, empathy is essential to increase your Emotional Intelligence.

Being considerate and compassionate about others will befit the man kind.

Yes, it’s true.

The world is terrible, it’s awful enough.

We need to be kind to each other. Think it that way.

  • Be approachable

Being sociable and approachable is significant. Be the person who can be reachable and add-value icon for others. This will increase your self-esteem and your EQ in the same exact time.

  • Practice leadership skills

Could you define who is a leader?

Simply, the one who can inspire, motivate, guide others. He is a problem solver, organizer and maintaining his positive mindset in the critical situations. He can perceive the good in everything around him.

Be that one.

Practice these qualities with your family, peers, friends and employees.

These steps will increase your emotional intelligence dramatically.

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And in a nutshell, to be a great communicator, you need first to understand yourself, your inner feelings and observe your thoughts and ideas.

Second, understand people and their reactions, their thoughts and you will know how to deal with them effectively.

This how you are going to be brilliant emotionally intelligent

Video 1-Watch this Video in Emotional intelligence

Video 2- Watch this live video on Emotional Intelligence
